Team Romano Vulnologia

On 18 May 2010 born TEAM ROMANO vulnologia, coordinated by Dott. Maurizio Palombi, specialist in Vascular Surgery and in General Surgery.
The Objective and Care of All “Difficult Wounds”, that is, those wounds that do not heal spontaneously but require treatment with “technologically advanced” medications and the latest technology in the medical and surgical field.
The TEAM is advised by several specialists: among them the internist, diabetes specialist, a plastic surgeon and interventional radiologist.
The Team Romano Vulnologia also leads on for years the project VIRTUAL CLINIC and telemedicine to provide ongoing support to the patient, even at home, with the possibility of real-time information exchange via e-mail, camera and / or video calls. The ultimate purpose is to educate the patient, family member, caregiver and care-givers in order to reach self-management of patients, supported by continuous assistance by specialists.